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Zabbix Docker Monitoring

 用Zabbbix监控Docker容器的CPU,men,blkio等资源使用,并获取容器的IP,name等详细信息,Zabbix Docker模块支持对Dcoker容器的监控功能。

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Download latest build (RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14, ...)  #.so文件下载

If provided build doesn't work on your system, please see section Compilation. Or you can check folder dockerfiles, where Dockerfiles for different OS/Zabbix versions are prepared.

https://github.com/monitoringartist/Zabbix-Docker-Monitoring/archive/master.zip   #源码下载


Note: cid - container ID, two options are available:

  • full container ID (fid - 64 character string), e.g.2599a1d88f75ea2de7283cbf469ea00f0e5d42aaace95f90ffff615c16e8fade

  • (human) name or short container ID - prefix "/" must be used, e.g. /zabbix-server or /2599a1d88f75

Key Description
docker.discovery[<par1>,<par2>,<par3>] LLD discovering:
Only running containers are discovered.
Additional Docker permissions are needed, when you want to see container name (human name) in metrics/graphs instead of short container ID. Optional parameters are used for definition of HCONTAINERID - docker.inspect function will be used in this case.
For example:
docker.discovery[Config,Env,MESOS_TASK_ID=] is recommended for Mesos monitoring
Note: docker.discovery is faster version of docker.discovery[Name]
docker.mem[cid,mmetric] Memory metrics:
mmetric - any available memory metric in the pseudo-file memory.stat, e.g.:cache, rss, mapped_file, pgpgin, pgpgout, swap, pgfault, pgmajfault, inactive_anon, active_anon, inactive_file, active_file, unevictable, hierarchical_memory_limit, hierarchical_memsw_limit, total_cache, total_rss, total_mapped_file, total_pgpgin, total_pgpgout, total_swap, total_pgfault, total_pgmajfault, total_inactive_anon, total_active_anon, total_inactive_file, total_active_file, total_unevictable
docker.cpu[cid,cmetric] CPU metrics:
cmetric - any available CPU metric in the pseudo-file cpuacct.stat, e.g.: system, user
Jiffy CPU counter is recalculated to % value by Zabbix.
docker.dev[cid,bfile,bmetric] Blk IO metrics:
bfile - container blkio pseudo-file, e.g.: blkio.io_merged, blkio.io_queued, blkio.io_service_bytes, blkio.io_serviced, blkio.io_service_time, blkio.io_wait_time, blkio.sectors, blkio.time, blkio.avg_queue_size, blkio.idle_time, blkio.dequeue, ...
bmetric - any available blkio metric in selected pseudo-file, e.g.: Total. Option for selected block device only is also available e.g. '8:0 Sync' (quotes must be used in key parameter in this case)
Note: Some pseudo blkio files are available only if kernel configCONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y, see recommended docs.
docker.inspect[cid,par1,<par2>,<par3>] Docker inspection:
Requested value from Docker inspect JSON object (e.g. API v1.21) is returned.
par1 - name of 1st level JSON property
par2 - optional name of 2nd level JSON property
par3 - optional name of 3rd level JSON property or selector of item in the JSON array
For example:
docker.inspect[cid,NetworkSettings,IPAddress], docker.inspect[cid,Config,Env,MESOS_TASK_ID=], docker.inspect[cid,State,StartedAt], docker.inspect[cid,Name]
Note 1: Requested value must be plain text/numeric value. JSON objects and booleans are not supported.
Note 2: Additional Docker permissions are needed.
Note 3: If you use selector for selecting value in array, then selector string is removed from returned value.
docker.info[info] Docker information:
Requested value from Docker info JSON object (e.g. API v1.21) is returned.
info - name of requested information, e.g. Containers, Images, NCPU, ...
Note: Additional Docker permissions are needed.
docker.stats[cid,par1,<par2>,<par3>] Docker container resource usage statistics:
Docker version 1.5+ is required
Requested value from Docker stats JSON object (e.g. API v1.21) is returned.
par1 - name of 1st level JSON property
par2 - optional name of 2nd level JSON property
par3 - optional name of 3rd level JSON property
For example:
docker.stats[cid,memory_stats,usage], docker.stats[cid,network,rx_bytes], docker.stats[cid,cpu_stats,cpu_usage,total_usage]
Note 1: Requested value must be plain text/numeric value. JSON objects/arrays are not supported.
Note 2: Additional Docker permissions are needed.
Note 3: The most accurate way to get Docker container stats, but it's also the slowest (0.3-0.7s), because data are readed from on demand container stats stream.
docker.cstatus[status] Count of Docker containers in defined status:
status - status of container, available statuses:
All - count of all containers
Up - count of running containers (Paused included)
Exited - count of exited containers
Crashed - count of crashed containers (exit code != 0)
Paused - count of paused containers
Note: Additional Docker permissions are needed.
docker.up[cid] Running state check:
1 if container is running, otherwise 0
docker.xnet[cid,interface,nmetric] Network metrics (experimental):
interface - name of interface, e.g. eth0, if name is all, then sum of selected metric across all interfaces is returned (lo included)
nmetric - any available network metric name from output of command netstat -i:
For example:

Note: Root permissions (AllowRoot=1) are required, because net namespaces (/var/run/netns/) are created/used

